3600 m
Saturday, 7:00 am


SKY is an enchanting route with unique scenery that demands speed and technique. The ascent to the Gornergrat at 3,100 metres is just one of many challenges. A run for real champions!
Profil SKY

For safety reasons, we have set time barriers for the runs.

However, these are not meant to exclude anyone from a race, but rather to ensure that everyone chooses the distance best suited to their abilities.

Time barriers apply from the start of your block. Non-compliance with a time barrier cannot, therefore, be justified by starting in a later block.

At each point of a time barrier, a member of the jury will be present to assess the situation and make decisions if necessary. The jury’s decision is irrevocable.

Time barriers 3:00 pm
Distance 30km
A+ 2550 m
Time barriers 7:30 pm
Distance 49km
A+ 3600m

The figures are based on an estimate and are not exact.

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