Friday, 8:45 pm


VERTINIGHT has a very special charm. The nighttime start allows the participants to run the 4.9 km to Sunnegga in the light of the headlamps.

Runners under the age of 18 can also participate in the VERTINIGHT race. Please fill in the parental consent form. This declaration of consent must be presented to the organisers when the bib number is issued. No bib number will be issued without a duly signed consent form.


For safety reasons, we have set time barriers for the runs.

However, these are not meant to exclude anyone from a race, but rather to ensure that everyone chooses the distance best suited to their abilities.

Time barriers apply from the start of your block. Non-compliance with a time barrier cannot, therefore, be justified by starting in a later block.

At each point of a time barrier, a member of the jury will be present to assess the situation and make decisions if necessary. The jury’s decision is irrevocable.

Time barriers 10:00 pm
Distance 4.9km
A+ 691m

The figures are based on an estimate and are not exact.

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