
My Matterhorn Ultraks Moment - The Top 3

We asked you what your My Matterhorn Ultraks Moment was, and you shared inspiring stories with us.

Here are our top three stories that we'd like to share with you.

Marc Garcia: "Just days before the race, I suffered a spinal injury with extreme pain and loss of sensation and strength in both legs. Unable to maintain balance without poles, I still wanted to come to Zermatt. My wife accompanied me during the race, in case anything happened, and encouraged me. I would have quit in Schwarzsee due to the heavy storm and my condition, but my wife told me to keep pushing. So we did, and managed to finish the race. It was the worst time ever, but I was happier than ever before. We immediately returned to Barcelona, where I underwent two spinal surgeries (it was much worse than expected...) I still can't run. But we'll be back in 2024!"

Adina Zimmermann: "The race back then was simply indescribable and has remained my favorite race to this day. It was the first time my parents accompanied me to a competition, to a place that means a lot to our family. The breathtaking views, the cheering spectators, and the certainty that my dad was waiting for me at Schwarzsee and my mom at the finish line made the day simply perfect! I'm really looking forward to this year because this time my siblings will also be there to cheer me on and support me during the SKY Race."

Tino Rüegsegger: "I've always been fascinated by Zermatt, and to circle Zermatt on a trail run is simply amazing. So I participated in Ultraks for the first time, which was already goosebumps-inducing, but the best part was that my whole family was waiting for me at the finish line."

We look forward to this year's event to experience new Matterhorn Ultraks moments together!

My Matterhorn Ultraks Moment - The Top 3
My Matterhorn Ultraks Moment - The Top 3
My Matterhorn Ultraks Moment - The Top 3
My Matterhorn Ultraks Moment - The Top 3
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